Thursday, July 10, 2008


1. Yielding a bare or meager living with great labor or difficulty.
2. Marked by poverty.

O, such a word to succinctly sum up my feelings on erie.

maybe it is time to go back.

the fear and confusion i feel about my situation right now vanishes under a cloud of anger, passion, and a sense of urgency when i think about erie.

i had always assumed i would end up back there, but had mostly assumed it would be many years from now.

while i sometimes feel lost and isolated out here; i more often then not felt smothered and alone there.

i know what work i need to do there, but don't feel that i have the tools to do it.

maybe i'm making excuses for myself. maybe i'm being selfish by holing up in this glorious city (which i just hole up in any way--but often when i do get out i fall in love with it all over again--but MY. i do miss sunsets over water. and my cat.)

1 comment:

Jacki said...

Listen here, sister. It is not time for you to go back to Erie yet. The world in NW PA will not collapse without you. I feel like you're using Erie as a cop-out right now...regardless of that city's position in your grander scheme. Things are hard in Portland, and yes living at home will be much cheaper, but the non-monetary problems that are plaguing you will follow you there. You're in a good place, and I feel like you're learning a lot there (even how to be happy.) Don't run from a good thing. Trust me, Erie is not the place to be right now. Learn more, live more, heal more...then go back and knock the crooked people running the city off their feet.

Love you, and happy birthday.