Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday America; AKA- the begining of the end of the long national nightmare??

I made a decision on the fourth; which i realize is not quite tantamount to writing the declaration of independence or what not; but still, in my mind at least; begins to bring some solace to my weary, weary soul....

i've decided to officially declare to myself that dubbya is officially a lame duck president....or more realistically- what he has always been a lame fuck.

the end is in sight.

let's all hope we can pull together and not only repair some of the damage made over the last eight years, but get at least a little caught up to the rest of the world.

maybe now; after such a long, long time, i can again begin to read the news without desolving into a state of hysteria/depression...

maybe now the future will no longer hold images of the apocalypse for me and actually hold images of something hopeful, something good- something with lots of flowers and butterflies.

let's all hope that that horrible horrible man/administration represented the death rattle of the far right and things will begin to get better....

things i hope for in the future:

universal health care
mandatory paid time off!!
1 full year of maternity leave!
a government that puts its citizen's well fare above that of big business...
butterflies and bees....
flowers and food
healthy environments for all!!!
rainbows and unicorns that shit happiness.....

okay...maybe that last one is more in the realm of fantasy, but do the other ones seem so out of reach for america? why is socialism seen to be at such odds with democracy??

why can't i spend my life in americorps? damn! is it really too much to ask to be allowed to spend my life in community service getting paid shit?!

life sure is funny. here i am....a pretty well educated, well read, intelligent, caring, passionate person, again looking at the possibility of taking a job i'm WAY over qualified for; and will most likely quit in six months....

i guess i could spend my reserve year and re-up with americorps.....

damn. really people. why can't i just do that for the rest of my life?

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