Wednesday, January 2, 2008

racheal carson

In 1964 (?) racheal carson wrote silent spring and set the modern environmental movement in motion. The book, at its basis was a warning of the effects of chemicals on our living environment. While it put specific actions in motion that outlawed the manufacuture of DDT in the United States, it is still being used abroad and is even found in ice core samples in the artic. The full ramifications of these chemicals in the environment is still not fully grasped today.

All around us, we see signs of our environment collasping around us, yet it is a warning that has come down to us through the ages and example of other ancient societies. What can we learn from these acienct societies that are relevant to our current situation?

Our federal government is battling a global war on terror.

A terror that is created by that same federal government.

Who has supplied all those rebels with weapons?

When a large government begins to engage in foreign wars, their homeland collaspes in a fit of mis-management.

The key to surviving is maintaining through the switch from precipitous control to unleashed chaos.

The best way to accomplish this is by maintaining small local safety nets.

When money no longer buys you everything, you must know how to live off the world around you.

Where to find food, shelter and most important; love.

Without being surrounded by people who care about you and support you through your lows live becomes dull and dark.

The hope I’ve ever seen in someone’s eye was put there because of me.

If you can not return the love of your fellow human beings in a positive, giving light love becomes twisted and lost.

Our society is not structured today to teach people to love one another and communicate that love and solidarity.

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